Georgian shish kebab

Georgian shish kebab recipe

To try to establish a shish kebab origin - thankless: it prepare around the world in the most various variations. In Georgia the shish kebab is one of the most popular "national" dishes. But nobody can challenge that fact that best of all a shish kebab prepare in Kakheti - at edge of abundance of grapes and meat.

1. Bacon cut identical pieces(in everyone there should be a rib and a little fat). Kakhetians consider that good fresh meat doesn't need to be pickled previously, but at desire make marinade of good wine vinegar, the onions cut by half rings, salt and black pepper, densely combine meat in marinade and cover. Leave on 1-6 h.

2. Skewers take wide and flat that meat wasn't turned when frying. String meat so that it went along a skewer, without hanging down from it. Pieces on each skewer should be one size and quality that were fried thoroughly evenly.

3. Kindle coals in a brazier - they should be covered with white ashes. Skewers lay at distance of 10-15 cm from coals and fry, without forgetting them to turn often. 15 min. for the full stay fresh meat enough - further it will start to char.

4. In a big bowl largely cut onions, Take a slice Tonis Puri and shoot with the help of a hot barbecue skewers, pouring onions - it absorbs taste of meat, slightly "is fried" and becomes separate snack.

It is possible to fry on coals any good meat - mutton, veal, a goat's meat, everything: with experience the intuition and skill will come. There is a festive option of a pork shish kebab: take a carbonate, cut it on three longitudinal strips, braid to "spit" and pierce a skewer. The shish kebab by all means with fresh vegetables, a large number of greens, wine and house sauces moves.

The dish "The Georgian shish kebab" is ready.

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